financial reporting

FASB Topic 832 Board Meeting

The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) met on March 14, 2018 for the first time in 20 months to discuss Topic 832: Disclosures by Business Entities about Government Assistance. Given that so much time has passed between now and the last formal meeting and the Board turnover, the Board decided to make this an educational session where no formal decisions would be made.

Infographic - FASB Topic 832 Timeline (updated)

2018 update of this Infographic: the objective of FASB Topic 832 is to develop disclosure requirements about government assistance, also known as tax credits & incentives - this Infographic depicts a timeline of where this project originated as well as its projected completion date.

Next-Level Innovation for Tax & Finance: A Fresh Perspective

In a digital era where software is eating the world, the vast majority of public companies are struggling to stay current when it comes to deploying new technologies in their tax and finance departments. It’s true that one of the primary duties of the chief financial officer is to de-risk the enterprise, but at what cost when they are losing competitive advantage due to slow adoption of new technology?

2017 FEI CFRI Conference

We'll be attending this year's 2017 Financial Executives International's 36th Annual Current Financial Reporting Issues Conference in New York City on Nov. 13-14. As our first sponsorship of an FEI conference, we're really looking forward to engaging with all the attendees and showcasing our new technology that just won us accolades as a top 100 most innovative RegTech company in the world.